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Англо-русский словарь - mental


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Перевод с английского языка mental на русский

strain умственное напряжение;
 1. adj.
 1) умственный; - mental defective
 2) психический; your troubles are purely mental - ваши несчастья - чистое воображение; - mental affection - mental house - mental home - mental strain - mental patient - mental case - mental specialist - mental nurse
 3) мнемонический
 4) производимый в уме, мысленный; - mental arithmetic - mental calculations - mental reservation
 2. noun coll. ненормальный, псих II adj. подбородочный
MENTAL affection душевная болезнь;
MENTAL age noun умственное развитие, соотносимое с возрастом
MENTAL arithmetic счет в уме;
MENTAL ballast уравновешенность, устойчивость (характера)
MENTAL calculations счет в уме;
MENTAL case душевнобольной;
MENTAL defective умственно отсталый ребенок
MENTAL endowments умственные способности
MENTAL home психиатрическая больница;
MENTAL hospital noun больница для умалишенных
MENTAL house психиатрическая больница;
MENTAL nurse сиделка в психиатрической больнице
MENTAL outfit умственный багаж
MENTAL patient душевнобольной;
MENTAL reservation мысленная оговорка
MENTAL specialist психиатр;
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См. в других словарях

  1. ненормальный, псих 2. умственные способности 3. умственный mental age —- умственное развитие, соотносимое с возрастом mental deficiency (handicap) —- умственная отсталость; слабоумие mental defectives (deficients) —- умственно отсталые (дефективные) дети mental powers —- умственные способности mental retardation —- мед. задержка умственного развития mental test —- проверка умственных способностей mental work —- умственная работа, умственный труд mental process —- умственная деятельность in the mental sphere —- в сфере умственной деятельности (жизни) our mental construction —- устройство нашего ума to wear mental blinkers —- мыслить прямолинейно (ограниченно) 4. производимый в уме, мысленный mental arithmetic —- счет в уме, устный счет mental reservation —- мысленная оговорка he made a mental note of the number —- он отметил (зафиксировал) номер в уме 5. психический, душевный mental disease (alination, illness) —- душевная болезнь mental health —- душевное здоровье mental hospital (home) —- психиатрическая лечебница (больница) mental patient (case) —- душевнобольной mental specialist —- психиатр mental healing —- лечение внушением he's mental —- разг. он спятил, рехнулся 6. подбородочный ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) умственный 2) психический 3) подбородочный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. мысленный - mental and ethical - mental anguish - mental cruelty - mental health Syn: imaginary MENTAL прил. 1) общ. умственный; интеллектуальный mental powers — умственные способности mental test — проверка умственных способностей mental work — умственная работа, умственный труд See: mental age, mentality 2) общ. производимый в уме, мысленный mental arithmetic — счет в уме, устный счет I made a mental note of his name. — Я отметил зафиксировал его имя в уме. 3) общ. психический, душевный mental illness — душевная болезнь mental hospital home — психиатрическая лечебница больница His physical and mental health had got worse. — Его физическое и душевное здоровье ухудшилось. ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) в уме 2) мысленный 3) производимый в уме 4) умственный - mental arithmetic ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or in the mind. 2 done by the mind. 3 colloq. a insane. b crazy, wild, eccentric (is mental about pop music). --n. colloq. a mental patient. Phrases and idioms mental age the degree of a person's mental development expressed as an age at which the same degree is attained by an average person. mental arithmetic arithmetic performed in the mind. mental asylum (or home or hospital or institution) an establishment for the care of mental patients. mental cruelty the infliction of suffering on another's mind, esp. Law as grounds for divorce. mental defective esp. US a person with impaired mental abilities. mental deficiency imperfect mental development leading to abnormally low intelligence. mental illness a disorder of the mind. mental nurse a nurse dealing with mentally ill patients. mental patient a sufferer from mental illness. mental reservation a qualification tacitly added in making a statement etc. Derivatives mentally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF mental or LL mentalis f. L mens -ntis mind ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin ~is, from Latin ment-, mens mind — more at mind  Date: 15th century  1.  a. of or relating to the mind; specifically of or relating to the total emotional and intellectual response of an individual to external reality ~ health  b. of or relating to intellectual as contrasted with emotional activity  c. of, relating to, or being intellectual as contrasted with overt physical activity  d. occurring or experienced in the mind ; inner ~ anguish  e. relating to the mind, its activity, or its products as an object of study ; ideological  f. relating to spirit or idea as opposed to matter  2.  a.  (1) of, relating to, or affected by a psychiatric disorder a ~ patient ~ illness  (2) ~ly disordered ; mad, crazy  b. intended for the care or treatment of persons affected by psychiatric disorders ~ hospitals  3. of or relating to telepathic or mind-reading powers  • ~ly adverb  II. adjective  Etymology: Latin mentum chin — more at mouth  Date: circa 1727 of or relating to the chin ; genial ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Mental means relating to the process of thinking. ...the mental development of children. ...intensive mental effort. ADJ: ADJ n • mentally I think you are mentally tired... Physically I might not have been overseas but mentally and spiritually I was with them. ADV: ADV adj/adv, ADV with v, ADV with cl 2. Mental means relating to the state or the health of a person’s mind. The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present. ...mental health problems. ADJ: ADJ n • mentally ...an inmate who is mentally disturbed. ...the needs of the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped. ADV: usu ADV with cl/group, also ADV after v 3. A mental act is one that involves only thinking and not physical action. Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping... ADJ: ADJ n • mentally This technique will help people mentally organize information. ADV: ADV with v 4. If you say that someone is mental, you mean that you think they are mad. (BRIT INFORMAL) I just said to him ‘you must be mental’. = crazy, mad ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you make a mental note of something, you make an effort to store it in your memory so that you will not forget it. She made a mental note to have his prescription refilled. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR of n, PHR to-inf ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »MIND« affecting the mind or happening in the mind  (mental health | a child's mental development | mental picture/image (=a picture that you form in your mind))  (I tried to get a mental picture of him from her description.) 2 »MENTAL ILLNESS« only before noun concerned with illnesses of the mind, or with treating illnesses of the mind  (Mental patients have to be kept under strict supervision. | a mental institution)  (- see also mental home, mental hospital) 3 mental block a difficulty in remembering something or in understanding something  (I got a complete mental block as soon as the interviewer asked me a question. | Julie has a mental block when it comes to math.) 4 make a mental note to make a special effort to remember something 5 »CRAZY« BrE slang thinking or behaving in a way that seems crazy or strange  (He must be mental!) 6 go mental BrE slang spoken a) to get very angry  (She'll go mental if she finds out.) b) to start behaving in a crazy way  (I can't understand why she's doing this - has she gone mental or something?) - mentally adv  (mentally ill) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1422, from M.Fr. mental, from L.L. mentalis "of the mind," from L. mens (gen. mentis) "mind." Meaning "crazy, deranged" is from 1927. Mentality formed in Eng. 1691. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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